Hillary failed to become president.
I failed to become a novelist.

We are both strong women, with point of views,
opinions, and ideas that are important, that matter.
And, we are both hurting right now.
And as she stares down the barrel of soon
entering some of the final decades of her life, she knows that this last
opportunity to succeed at being president is gone.
This will be her legacy. The women who tried
and failed to become the first female president.
That sucks.
As I cross over into middle age, as I begin to
see the next half of my life I see that I cannot keep banging my head against
the wall.
The four books I’ve tried to get published
over the last decade and a half, the two failed agent relationships, the failed
anthology, the failure to launch myself as a novelist this took up the second
half of my twenties, all of my thirties, and it started to creep into my
Hillary, I admire you and all your success and so I invite you to join me in giving up the childhood dream. Let’s let go of that dream so that we
can have the space to allow other dreams, other desires, other goals to come
into our overly focused perspectives.
It’s not that you weren’t meant to become
the first female president or that I wasn’t meant to become the next Judy
Blume, it’s that we are more than both of those goals. It’s that our respective
journeys have carried us to this moment, this time, this place, RIGHT NOW, and it
is NOW that matters so much more than any other moment.
What we do right now is what matters.
Hillary, what are you going to do right now?
I’m going to pick up my pen and keep writing, but the writing is not to impress an editor or agent. The writing for is for the value of expression, the individual mark of me.
for us, those who failed to make their wildest dreams come true.
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